Pelatihan Strategi Sosial Media untuk Promosi Wisata di Kampung Oksigen


  • Ida Ayu Sutarini University of Mataram
  • Baiq Vira Safitri Universitas Mataram
  • Dian Lestari Miharja Universitas Mataram



Kampung Oksigen is an environment-based tourist destination located in Kelurahan Leneng, Kecamatan Praya, Kabupaten Central Lombok, NTB. Based on an interview with the Oxygen Village Sadar Tourism Group (POKDARWIS), Bilyadi Izzul Islam, he wants to increase the number of visitors, both local and foreign. Social media is a digital platform that is widely used as a marketing tool due to the amount of user data and its popularity as a marketing medium. The purpose of this dedication is to introduce the community of Kampung Oksigen to how to design social media strategies for promoting the Kampung Oksigen. The implementation of community service activities has been carried out on a large scale, covering several components, namely: (1) the success of the number of training participants, from 20 registered participants to 28 active participants; (2) the achievement of the training objectives; and (3) the ability of the participants to master the material. The training activity received positive feedback from the community, as demonstrated by the enthusiasm of the participants following the activity and being active from the beginning to the end of the training.





